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Class Occurrence

Name: Occurrence
Definition: Primary entity corresponding to an event or situation that happens in relation to one or more valuable entities.
Is abstract: Yes
Aspects: T

Class hierarchy

Generalized classes: PrimaryEntity (Depending on Nature)
Specialized classes: Depending on ModeOfTimeDetermination:


Name Card Type Mark Inherited from
Name 0..* Text L
Name used by convention to identify the associated valuable entity.
Description 0..1 Text L (own)
Description of what happened during the occurrence, especially in relation to the associated valuable entities.


Name Card Opposite class Mark Inherited from
IsTheBasisFor 0..* DerivedEntity T
Each valuable entity may be the basis for a number of derived entities.
IsLocatedAt 0..* Location T
Each valuable entity may be located at a number of locations.
IsLocationReferenceOf 0..* RelativeLocationByReference
Each valuable entity may be the reference of a number of relative locations by reference.
IsLocationSourceOf 0..* RelativeLocationByIntermediateDistance
Each valuable entity may be the source of a number of relative locations by intermediate distance.
IsLocationDestinationOf 0..* RelativeLocationByIntermediateDistance
Each valuable entity may be the destination of a number of relative locations by intermediate distance.
IsStartingPointOf 0..* RelativeLocationByDistanceAndBearing
Each valuable entity may be the starting point of a number of relative locations by distance and bearing.
HasCircumstances (W) 0..* Circumstance
Each valuable entity may have a number of inherent circumstances.
MediatesTheOccurrenceOf 0..* Activity T
Each valuable entity may mediate the occurrence of a number of activities.
IsFormallyInvolvedIn 0..* PerformativeEntity T
Each valuable entity may be formally involved in a number of performative entities.
IsFormallyDesignatedAs 0..* ExpressiveDesign
Each valuable entity may be formally designated as a number of expressive designs.
IsActuallyInvolvedIn 0..* Manifestation
Each valuable entity may be actually involved in a number of manifestations.
IsActuallyDesignatedAs 0..* ManifestationOfExpressiveDesign
Each valuable entity may be actually designated by a number of manifestations of expressive design.
IsInvolvedIn 0..* Norm
Each valuable entity may be involved in a number of norms.
IsDescribedBy 0..* Representation
Each valuable entity may be described by a number of representations.
IsValorizedBy 0..* Valorization
Each valuable entity may be valorized by a number of valorizations.
IsCategorizedAs 0..* Category
Each valuable entity may be categorized as a number of categories.
IsUsedIn 0..* Use
Each valuable entity may be used in a number of uses.
Configures 0..* Situation T
Each valuable entity may configure a number of situations.
IsMentionedBy 0..* Argumentation T
Each valuable entity may be mentioned by a number of argumentations.
Embodies 0..* Representation
Each primary entity may embody a number of representations.
WasCreatedFrom 0..* PrimaryEntity
Each primary entity may have been created from a number of other reference primary entities.
WasUsedToCreate 0..* PrimaryEntity
Each primary entity may have been used to create a number of other resultant primary entities.
OccursInTheContextOf 0..* CulturalClassification
Each occurrence may occur in the context of a number of cultural classifications.
IsTargetOf 0..* RelationshipBetweenOccurrences (own)
Each occurrence may be the target of a number of relationships between occurrences.
ProducesEffect 0..* Occurrence
T (own)
Each occurrence may produce other occurrences as effect.
IsCausedBy 0..* Occurrence
T (own)
Each occurrence may be caused by a number of other occurrences.
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