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CHARM class list

This is a list of classes in CHARM, alphabetically sorted.

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Name Definition
AbsoluteLocation Location of a direct kind, based on a spatial reference system and which is independent of the spatial situation of any other entity.
AbsoluteOccurrence Occurrence that is directly situated in time, usually through an explicit time reference.
AbstractEntity Primary entity that is socially constructed and comprised of abstractions or ideas only, with no concrete realization whatsoever.
AbstractVisualRepresentation Visual representation in which the embodiment employs arbitrary symbols so that it does not visually resemble the represented contents.
Action Activity of a simple nature, usually affecting a few valuable entities.
Activity Relative occurrence that happens separately from other valuable entities.
AdministrativeValorization Expert valorization produced from the perspective of heritage management.
Agent Primary entity corresponding to a person or group of people.
AgentRole Specific agent not possessing a social identity, but defined through a set of responsibilities that another agent must take in a given context.
AggregateCulturalResource Cultural resource in which, being composed of other cultural resources, the diversity and variety of the parts dominate over the cohesion of the whole.
AggregateScientificTechnicalDerivedEntity Scientific-technical derived entity in which, being composed of other scientific-technical derived entities, the diversity and variety of the parts dominate over the cohesion of the whole.
Anthroponym Proper name having the purpose of designating people.
Area Simple absolute location corresponding to a sequence of points that enclose an area.
Argumentation Abstract entity of a propositional and argumentative nature.
Belief Shared concept corresponding to the assumption that a given set of statements are correct.
Category Simple scientific-technical derived entity corresponding to a type or kind of valuable entities that share some common properties.
CategorySystem Abstract entity corresponding to a collection of categories that work together for a well-known purpose.
Change Circumstance that corresponds to an unstable moment of the associated entities.
Chart Abstract visual representation that uses symbols to represent data.
Circumstance Relative occurrence that happens inherently to one or more valuable entities.
CombinedExpressiveDesign Expressive design that aggregates other expressive designs, potentially of different types and therefore using different vehicles of expression.
CombinedRepresentation Representation that aggregates other representations, potentially of different types and therefore using different forms of representation.
Community Group of people who share a common culture and identify themselves as belonging to said group.
CommunityDerivedEntity Non-expert derived entity that results from a community valorization.
CommunityValorization Non-expert valorization expressed in terms of identity, continuity and/or closeness.
CompleteObject Object entity having an unaltered material integrity.
CompleteStructure Structure entity having an unaltered material integrity.
CompoundAbsoluteLocation Absolute location that is composed of other absolute locations.
CompoundAbsoluteOccurrence Absoute occurrence of a complex nature, corresponding to the aggregation of other absolute occurrences.
CompoundChange Change of a complex nature, which corresponds to the occurrence of a number of different but related changes.
CompoundNorm Norm of a complex nature, corresponding to the aggregation of other norms.
ConditionValorization Scientific-technical valorization produced with the purpose of determining the condition or status of the valorized object.
ConstructedStructure Produced structure created by the intentional modification and/or bounding of physical space through the addition and/or removal of materials, and which, by virtue of the structural arrangement of its parts, or that of its own within a bigger whole, performs a given function.
Construction Constructed entity providing direct functionality for its users.
ConstructiveElement Constructed structure which, despite not providing direct functionality to its users, constitutes a material part of a larger constructed structure, to which it contributes structure and/or function.
Convention Simple norm that impels its subjects to behave in a particular manner.
CorrectiveValorization Administrative valorization produced from one or more impact valorizations, with the purpose of mitigating or removing said impact on the valorized object.
Creation Simple change that describes the creation of the associated entities.
CulturalClassification Category aimed at the definition of a specific cultural context.
CulturalLandscape Aggregate scientific-technical derived entity corresponding to a system of places plus optionally other spatially nearby valuable entities that are interpreted as being culturally related.
CulturalResource Expert derived entity that results from an administrative valorization.
Culture Abstract entity corresponding to the collection of beliefs and norms that guide human action withing a group.
Deposit Material entity corresponding to matter that has deposited gradually through accumulative processes.
DerivedEntity Valuable entity that is not clearly delimited, categorized, and/or understood in an immediate and implicit manner when perceived, but requires an explicit reception process.
Destruction Simple change that describes the destruction of the associated entities.
Diagram Abstract visual representation that uses a geometric visual language to represent information.
Discourse Language expressive design of a narrative nature.
Drawing Figurative visual representation constructed by approximation to the represented contents.
EconomicValorization Scientific-technical valorization produced with the purpose of ascribing an economic value to the valorized object.
Entity Portion of the world that can be discretized and classified.
ExpertDerivedEntity Derived entity that results from an expert valorization.
ExpertValorization Valorization produced by consensus within a group of experts, and issued in a formal manner.
ExpressiveDesign Performative entity that has the main function of conveying a message between people.
ExternalDerivedEntity Non-expert derived entity that results from an external valorization.
ExternalValorization Non-expert valorization expressed in terms of wonder and distant appreciation.
FigurativeVisualRepresentation Visual representation in which the embodiment visually resembles the represented contents.
FormalExpressiveDesign Simple expressive design based on the formal properties of its parts, as well as on the relationships between them, as a vehicle of expression.
FormalModel Linguistic representation that uses human language through formalised symbols and structures.
GesturalExpressiveDesign Simple expressive design based on the position and movement of the human body, optionally augmented by acessories, as a vehicle of expression.
GroupOfPeople Identity agent corresponding to multiple individuals.
IdentityAgent Specific agent possessing social identity, which is reflexively expressed.
ImpactValorization Administrative valorization produced with the purpose of determining the impact that one or more external factors have caused, are causing or will cause on the valorized object.
Informant Methodological role of agent that occurs when the associated agent provides information that is modelled in the context of a project.
IntentionalObject Produced object created through direct human intervention purposefully aimed at creating it.
Interface Stratigraphic unit consisting of a material surface.
Knowledge Understanding related to people's memory, ability to perceive or ability to use information.
LandDivision Non-material place that has been defined with a land management purpose.
Language Abstract entity corresponding to a human language.
LanguageEncoding Abstract entity corresponding to an alphabet, syllabary or logography.
LanguageExpressiveDesign Simple expressive design based on human language as vehicle of expression.
Line Simple absolute location corresponding to a sequence of points that compose a line.
LinguisticRepresentation Simple representation that mainly uses human language to describe something.
Location Specification of the spatial situation of an valuable entity.
Manifestation Primary entity corresponding to a human expression at a given time and place, and which is fundamentally perceived in a direct fashion and through performative aspects.
ManifestationOfAnthroponym Manifestation that realizes a given anthroponym.
ManifestationOfCombinedExpressiveDesign Manifestation that realizes a given combined expressive design.
ManifestationOfDiscourse Manifestation that realizes a given discourse.
ManifestationOfExpressiveDesign Manifestation that realizes a given expressive design.
ManifestationOfFormalExpressiveDesign Manifestation that realizes a given formal expressive design.
ManifestationOfGesturalExpressiveDesign Manifestation that realizes a given gestural expressive design.
ManifestationOfKnowledge Manifestation that realizes a given knowledge.
ManifestationOfLanguageExpressiveDesign Manifestation that realizes a given language expressive design.
ManifestationOfProperName Manifestation that realizes a given proper name.
ManifestationOfSimpleExpressiveDesign Manifestation that realizes a given simple expressive design.
ManifestationOfSocialAct Manifestation that realizes a given social act.
ManifestationOfSoundExpressiveDesign Manifestation that realizes a given sound expressive design.
ManifestationOfTechnique Manifestation that realizes a given technique.
ManifestationOfToponym Manifestation that realizes a given toponym.
ManifestationOfTrade Manifestation that realizes a given trade.
ManifestationOfUnderstanding Manifestation that realizes a given understanding.
Map Drawing that uses symbols to represent the shape, orientation and inter-relationships of entities in a place.
MaterialAspect Material entity that is inextricably embedded into another material entity, named its support, and which has been added to it after the creation of the latter.
MaterialEntity Tangible entity that is defined by its materiality.
Measure Amount or degree that something has as related to a given quantity.
MeasureOfAngle Measure corresponding to the angle quantity.
MeasureOfArea Measure corresponding to the area quantity.
MeasureOfLength Measure corresponding to the length quantity.
MeasureOfMass Measure corresponding to the mass quantity.
MeasureOfVolume Measure corresponding to the volume quantity.
MethodologicalRoleOfAgent Agent described in terms of the role it plays within the context of the usage of a particular methodology.
MethodologicalTangibleEntity Tangible entity that is methodologically created.
Modification Simple change that describes the modification of the associated entities.
Movie Figurative visual representation consisting of a sequence of images displayed as an animation.
NamedMeasure Measure qualified by a specific name.
Narration Linguistic representation that uses human language in a natural manner.
NaturalObject Complete object the genesis of which involved no direct human intervention.
NaturalStructure Complete structure the genesis of which involved no direct human intervention.
NonExpertDerivedEntity Derived entity that results from a non-expert valorization.
NonExpertValorization Valorization produced by a community from a non-expert and non-scientific perspective, and issued in an informal manner.
NonMaterialPlace Place having boundaries with material characteristics that do not distinsguish it from its surroundings.
NonPhysicalStratigraphicRelationship Stratigraphic relationship between two non-adjacent stratigraphic units.
Norm Shared concept corresponding to a law, rule or piece of guidance applying to one or more agents, possibly in relation to some valuable entities.
ObjectEntity Material entity that does not shape the space where it is located, not influencing visibility or mobility over it.
ObjectFragment Object entity corresponding to a separate portion of a complete object having an altered material integrity.
ObjectSet Simple scientific-technical derived entity corresponding to a collection of object entities that cannot be separated without the set losing its integrity.
Obligation Simple norm that imposes specific duties or responsibilities to its subjects.
ObligationToAllowUse Obligation that requires its subjects to allow the use of the associated valuable entities to certain third parties.
ObligationToConserve Obligation that requires its subjects to keep the associated valuable entities in good condition.
ObligationToDo Obligation that requires its subjects to carry out the associated valuable entities.
Occurrence Primary entity corresponding to an event or situation that happens in relation to one or more valuable entities.
Opinion Argumentation issued by one or a few individuals in the absence of major agreement.
Organization Group of people who share a common corporate identity and act together towards a common goal.
Participant Methodological role of agent that occurs when the associated agent takes part in a project.
PerformativeEntity Primary entity that abstracts similar manifestations and is fundamentally perceived in an indirect fashion through them.
Person Identity agent corresponding to a single individual.
Phase Circumstance that corresponds to a stable period of the associated entities.
Phenomenon Situation perceived and conceptualized by some particular agents.
Photograph Figurative visual representation constructed automatically through light-sensitive devices.
PhysicalStratigraphicRelationship Stratigraphic relationship between two adjacent stratigraphic units, which provides information about the temporal order between them.
Place Tangible entity that is defined by a region in physical space.
Point Simple absolute location corresponding to an X and Y coordinate pair.
PrimaryEntity Valuable entity which, when perceived, is clearly delimited from its context, categorized, and understood without the need of explicit interpretive processes.
Process Activity of a complex nature, usually affecting multiple valuable entities.
ProducedObject Complete object the genesis of which involved direct human intervention.
ProducedStructure Complete structure the genesis of which involved direct human intervention.
Prohibition Simple norm that forbids its subjects from doing something.
ProhibitionToDo Prohibition that forbids its subjects from carrying out the associated valuable entities.
ProhibitionToUse Prohibition that forbids its subjects from using the associated valuable entities.
Project Process mediated and purposefully managed by agents.
ProperName Language expressive design having the purpose of designating entities.
ProtectionValorization Administrative valorization produced with the purpose of protecting the valorized object from destruction or alteration, either by legal, physical or other means.
RelationshipBetweenOccurrences Relationship between a relative occurrence and another occurrence.
RelativeLocation Location of an indirect kind, based on the reference to other valuable entities.
RelativeLocationByDistanceAndBearing Relative location that uses a reference entity, a bearing and a distance in order to locate something.
RelativeLocationByIntermediateDistance Relative location that uses two reference valuable entities plus a distance between them in order to locate something.
RelativeLocationByReference Relative location that uses a reference entity plus an optional description in order to locate something.
RelativeOccurrence Occurrence that is indirectly situated in time, through reference to other occurrences.
Representation Fact by which certain contents are persistently captured on an embodiment, reflecting the forms and characteristics of the former.
Researcher Methodological role of agent that occurs when the associated agent generates new knowledge in the context of a project.
ResearchValorization Scientific-technical valorization produced with the purpose of generating new knowledge about the valorized object.
Right Simple norm that grants its subjects specific liberties, guarantees or benefits.
RightOfCustody Right that grants its subjects the benefit of keeping the associated valuable entities in their possession.
RightOfOwnership Right that grants its subjects the benefit of owning the associated valuable entities.
RightOfUse Right that grants its subjects the benefit of being able to use the associated valuable entities.
RightToDo Right that grants its subjects the benefit to carry out the associated valuable entities.
Sample Methodological tangible entity corresponding to a fragment of another tangible entity the properties of which it aims to represent.
ScientificTechnicalDerivedEntity Expert derived entity that results from a scientific-technical valorization.
ScientificTechnicalValorization Expert valorization produced from the perspective of a specific discipline.
SharedConcept Abstract entity corresponding to a mental state that is shared by many individuals.
SimpleAbsoluteLocation Absolute location of an atomic kind, representing a simple spatial position.
SimpleChange Change of an atomic nature.
SimpleCulturalResource Cultural resource in which the cohesion of the whole dominates over the diversity and variety of its parts.
SimpleExpressiveDesign Expressive design that employs a single universal expression phenomenon.
SimpleNorm Norm of an atomic nature.
SimpleRepresentation Representation that employs only one form of representation.
SimpleScientificTechnicalDerivedEntity Scientific-technical derived entity in which the cohesion of the whole dominates over the diversity and variety of its parts.
Site Simple scientific-technical derived entity corresponding to a spatial region having an abnormally high density of primary entities that are considered to be the result of a focussed human activity.
Situation Relative occurrence that happens as configured by other valuable entities.
SocialAct Performative entity that captures specific practices shared by a group.
SoundExpressiveDesign Simple expressive design based on sound as vehicle of expression.
SpecificAgent Agent described in terms of its specific characteristics, regardless of the methodological role that it may play.
StratigraphicEntity Methodological tangible entity that corresponds to one or more stratigraphic units.
StratigraphicGroup Simple scientific-technical derived entity corresponding to a set of stratigraphic units that jointly work towards a common structural and/or functional goal.
StratigraphicRelationship Rrelationship between two stratigraphic units.
StratigraphicRelationshipOfAbutment Three-dimensional stratigraphic relationship consisting of a source stratum that horizontally fuses with the destination stratigraphic unit.
StratigraphicRelationshipOfCoverage Three-dimensional stratigraphic relationship consisting of a source stratum that attaches tightly to the surface of the destination stratigraphic unit, covering it.
StratigraphicRelationshipOfCutting Two-dimensional stratigraphic relationship consisting of a source interface pertaining to a trace of removal of matter from the destination stratigraphic unit.
StratigraphicRelationshipOfEquivalence Non-physical stratigraphical relationship that indicates the material and interpretative equivalence of the involved stratigraphic units.
StratigraphicRelationshipOfFilling Three-dimensional stratigraphic relationship consisting of a source stratum that fills a concavity of the destination stratigraphic unit.
StratigraphicRelationshipOfJoining Three-dimensional stratigraphic relationship consisting of a source stratum that horizontally touches the destination stratigraphic unit without fusing with it.
StratigraphicRelationshipOfSupport Three-dimensional stratigraphic relationship consisting of a source stratum that touches the destination stratigraphic unit vertically and from above, resting on it.
StratigraphicSequence Stratigraphic entity composed of a collection of stratigraphic units that are physically interrelated.
StratigraphicUnit Stratigraphic entity made of matter or the trace of removed matter, arranged as a layer with regard to others, reflecting a specific order of deposition, construction or destruction.
Stratum Stratigraphic unit consisting of a material volume.
StratumByDeposit Stratum comprising matter from a deposit.
StratumByObject Stratum comprising matter from an object entity.
StructureEntity Place having boundaries with material characteristics that distinguish it from its surroundings and, also, material entity that shapes the space where it is located, influencing visibility and/or mobility over it.
StructureFragment Structure entity corresponding to a separate portion of a complete structure having an altered material integrity.
Style Category aimed at the definition of a specific, multidimensional and recognizable kind in terms of its representative characteristics.
TangibleEntity Primary entity that is fundamentally perceived in a direct fashion and through its materiality.
Task Action mediated and purposefully managed by agents.
Technique Understanding related to a particular way of doing which, usually supported by knowledge, includes both the process that is followed as well as the products that are used and produced.
ThreeDimensionalStratigraphicRelationship Physical stratigraphic relationship having a three-dimensional source stratigraphic unit; that is, a stratum.
TimePoint Absolute occurrence of a simple nature that happens in a relatively short time.
TimeSpan Absolute occurrence that extends between two timespans.
Toponym Proper name having the purpose of designating places.
Trade Understanding related to people's habitual occupation, which may require specific knowledges or techniques that have been acquired.
TwoDimensionalStratigraphicRelationship Physical stratigraphic relationship having a two-dimensional source stratigraphic unit; that is, an interface.
Understanding Performative entity that captures human experiences, insights or traditions as maintained and transmitted by individuals.
UnintentionalObject Produced object created by a direct human intervention having a purpose different to that of creating it.
UnintentionalStructure Produced structure created through a direct human intervention having a purpose different to that of creating it.
Use Situation of usage of some valuable entities by some particular agents.
UseValorization Administrative valorization produced with the purpose of regulating the modes of utilization of the valorized object.
Valorization Argumentation that adds cultural heritage value to other valuable entities through interpretive processes that have been agreed upon within a group or discipline.
ValuableEntity Entity that has received, currently receives, or may receive cultural heritage value.
ValuableEntityType Category aimed at the classification of similar valuable entities.
Value Belief about the degree of importance of something.
VirtualEntity Primary entity that can be perceived only by intermediation of an artificial device.
VisualRepresentation Simple representation that mainy uses marks, shapes and colours on a surface to visually describe the appearance of something.
Volume Simple absolute location corresponding to a sequence of points that bound a volume.
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