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Class Style

Name: Style
Definition: Category aimed at the definition of a specific, multidimensional and recognizable kind in terms of its representative characteristics.
Is abstract: No
Comments: Examples of styles include cubism, Penha or Moche.

Class hierarchy

Generalized classes: Category (Depending on AimOfCategorization)
Specialized classes: (none)


Name Card Type Mark Inherited from
[Name] 1..* Text L
Name of the category.
Definition 1 Text L
Definition of the category, describing the common properties exclusively shared by members of this category.


Name Card Opposite class Mark Inherited from
IsTheBasisFor 0..* DerivedEntity T
Each valuable entity may be the basis for a number of derived entities.
IsLocatedAt 0..* Location T
Each valuable entity may be located at a number of locations.
IsLocationReferenceOf 0..* RelativeLocationByReference
Each valuable entity may be the reference of a number of relative locations by reference.
IsLocationSourceOf 0..* RelativeLocationByIntermediateDistance
Each valuable entity may be the source of a number of relative locations by intermediate distance.
IsLocationDestinationOf 0..* RelativeLocationByIntermediateDistance
Each valuable entity may be the destination of a number of relative locations by intermediate distance.
IsStartingPointOf 0..* RelativeLocationByDistanceAndBearing
Each valuable entity may be the starting point of a number of relative locations by distance and bearing.
HasCircumstances (W) 0..* Circumstance
Each valuable entity may have a number of inherent circumstances.
MediatesTheOccurrenceOf 0..* Activity T
Each valuable entity may mediate the occurrence of a number of activities.
IsFormallyInvolvedIn 0..* PerformativeEntity T
Each valuable entity may be formally involved in a number of performative entities.
IsFormallyDesignatedAs 0..* ExpressiveDesign
Each valuable entity may be formally designated as a number of expressive designs.
IsActuallyInvolvedIn 0..* Manifestation
Each valuable entity may be actually involved in a number of manifestations.
IsActuallyDesignatedAs 0..* ManifestationOfExpressiveDesign
Each valuable entity may be actually designated by a number of manifestations of expressive design.
IsInvolvedIn 0..* Norm
Each valuable entity may be involved in a number of norms.
IsDescribedBy 0..* Representation
Each valuable entity may be described by a number of representations.
IsValorizedBy 0..* Valorization
Each valuable entity may be valorized by a number of valorizations.
IsCategorizedAs 0..* Category
Each valuable entity may be categorized as a number of categories.
IsUsedIn 0..* Use
Each valuable entity may be used in a number of uses.
Configures 0..* Situation T
Each valuable entity may configure a number of situations.
IsMentionedBy 0..* Argumentation T
Each valuable entity may be mentioned by a number of argumentations.
IsDerivedFrom (W) 1..* ValuableEntity
Each derived entity is derived from a number of basis valuable entities.
IsAscribedTo 0..* CulturalClassification
Each derived entity may be ascribed to a number of cultural classifications.
ContributesToAggregate 0..* AggregateScientificTechnicalDerivedEntity
Each scientific-technical derived entity may contribute to a number of aggregate scientific-technical derived entities.
[IsAnOutcomeOf] 1 ScientificTechnicalValorization
Each scientific-technical derived entity is the outcome of a particular source scientific-technical valorization.
BelongsTo 0..1 CategorySystem
Each category may belong to a particular category system.
Categorizes 0..* ValuableEntity
Each category may categorize a number of valuable entities.
[Subsumes] 0..* Style
Each style may subsume a number of subtype styles.
[IsAKindOf] 0..1 Style
Each style may be a supertype of another one.
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